Tuesday, June 10, 2008

MIssy's Recipes Pinto Bean Soup

Fresh Tomatoes
One Onion
One Fresh Citantro
48oz Pinto Beans Jar

Combine .....Chopped Bacons then cook til crispy when they are done...
Put the bacons on the towel paper and leave that there ....
cook the chorizon then add the bacons.... to keep warm there awhile chopped tomatoes, onions, cilantro put to pinto beans and fill the warm water from pinto bean jar til you want to stop fill in the pan like soup same you do cooking homemade soup before same thing to do ......leave there for half hour til tomatoes and pnion cook to soft or you can add finall is hot dog or sausage whatever you add for meat kind of different you like it! so you can add in the bowl for Mozzerella cheese torilla wrap in the bowl then pinto bean soup how much you want put in the your bowl and sooooo Delicious! Have A Enjoy Dinner!

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